Welcome to the Just Create Film Challenge! This competition is designed for filmmakers of all levels to unleash their creativity and share their unique stories. As an aspiring filmmaker and director, I've started this challenge not only to overcome my own creative film slump but also to inspire and motivate others to dive into the world of filmmaking. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, this challenge is your chance to pick up a camera, shoot that film, finish that script, or explore any aspect of filmmaking that ignites your passion.


1. Must be an orignail script (No you can't use Nolan's work)

2 . Maximum runtime of 7 minutes (including credits)

3. Films must include the Official Competition Theme - "TIME"

4. Must contain Copyright FREE Music

5. Films MUST NOT have been publicly screened, broadcast, or featured online

6. Films must be submitted in English OR with English subtitles.

7. Films can be of any genre.

8. No entry fees are required. 

9. One film entry per person (or group) will be accepted.

1. You give us the right to screen your film in front of a live audience and broadcast online.

11. Films can be created on any device and must be submitted 16:9 as MP4.

12. Must be submitted NLT 11:59 27/MAR/2025


For any questions, queries or to keep up to date with the film challenge plus other news & events, drop your details below!

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